Solar Power Blog

What Are The Major Things You Must Know Before Installing Solar Panels On Your Home?
The world is constantly progressing forward, looking for innovative ways to preserve energy and protect the planet. One of the century's major innovations is solar panels. They allow us to use clean and renewable electricity for our homes and workplaces. Reducing energy consumption and switching to solar is the breakthrough that proves the advancement in the ecological side of technology. In addition to being environmentally friendly, it can save you a lot of money in the long run after a one-time investment.
There are various things to consider before installing solar panels in your home. This article will run you through a few things to know before taking the next step. In this way, you can understand whether a solar panel is suitable for your home. Let's dive in.
Home Structure and Suitability
Some things to consider are your home's structure, suitability, and whether it requires repairs.
Firstly, your rooftop must be able to withstand a solar panel's mass. Therefore, maintaining your roof is essential, lest it falls and leads to potential accidents. It is helpful to consider the warranty of your roof and make sure it aligns with the warranty of your solar panel that is to be installed.
Your rooftop requires a viable space for the solar panel to fit. Solar panels vary in size, but the minimum area needed tends to be around 200 square feet. Nothing must be blocking the path between the sun and solar panels to ensure full functionality.
Lastly, it would be wise to consider the direction of the rooftop. A roof that faces south is best exposed to the sun instead of roofs facing other directions. As a result, homes facing south, south-west and south-east are the best candidates for solar panels. However, it would be best to consider nearby infrastructure as they may block sunlight. Additionally, you can get the solar panel fitted so that it tilts towards the sun for maximum efficiency.
As the name 'solar panel' suggests, they require maximum exposure to sunlight to get the most out of them. Regions with fewer clouds and sunny climates are ideal for solar panels. Therefore, cloudier climates will not provide the same energy production. On the plus side, cloudier states tend to have smaller energy consumption than sunny areas, so the panels still have a chance to provide a great advantage.
Energy Consumption
Before investing in a solar panel, an excellent initiative is to know how much energy your house consumes. It can help to anticipate future routine changes that may require less or more consumption. Calculate energy consumption from your general house appliances, air conditioner usage, and devices, like a power contactor. In this way, you can get a decent idea about how much power you would want your solar panel to generate.
Furthermore, by determining your energy consumption, you can decide on how many solar panels you would need to be installed and the accompanying batteries. This would be useful to prevent the possibility of installing more or fewer panels than you might require, further lowering your costs.
The Solar Panel Companies and Warranties
After considering all the things mentioned above, you must look at other factors related to the solar panel itself. For starters, researching reputable solar panels companies before choosing one is ideal. Try opting for a company that has been around longer as they may have more experience. Additionally, speak with contractors and look around for reviews before committing to a solar panel company. This is because you will have to deal with them for the next 10-25 years, depending on the warranty.
Where warranties are concerned, typically, there are two types: performance warranty and product warranty.
A performance warranty is when the company and manufacturer cover the product's operations that it performs its functions within the given time. This type of warranty typically lasts 25-30 years.
A product warranty provides protection when issues related to the product should arise. This typically lasts 15-25 years.
Remember that the warranty's functionalities vary depending on the manufacturer, so undertake proper research.
Solar Panels Make Sense
New and innovative technology is constantly on the rise. One example of such technology is solar panels. They provide various benefits ranging from environmental benefits to reduce costs. However, before buying one, there are certain things to consider. You must ensure your home structure and roof are suitable for handling the weight of a solar panel. An ideal regional climate that is sunny and cloudless is recommended so that they can get maximum sunlight.
Additionally, calculating your power consumption and researching companies and warranties can help you figure out the right solar panel purchase for you. We hope this article has been informative and aids you in choosing a solar panel for your home. Then you, too, can reap the benefits of this technology.